I’m an assistant professor in the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering at Cornell and a member of the Computer Science field. I think about new ways of doing democracy (e.g., citizens’ assemblies), about how to fairly allocate resources (e.g., capacity to host refugees), and developing AI for heterogeneous users.
Before joining Cornell, I did my undergrad at Saarland University in Germany, got my PhD in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, and did postdocs at Harvard, the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (formerly: MSRI), and UC Berkeley.
I have the pleasure of supervising Hannane Yaghoubizade (ORIE 2nd year, joint with David Williamson).
I enjoy getting to know new people and chatting about research. Whether you're a researcher, a student interested in research, a practitioner, or just curious, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Putting fair division on the map.
In submission.
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Generative social choice.
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Monotone randomized apportionment.
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In this apportionment lottery, the House always wins.
Paul Gölz,
Dominik Peters,
and Ariel Procaccia.
Operations Research.
Supersedes C12.
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Dynamic placement in refugee resettlement.
Operations Research (2024) Communications of the ACM research highlight.
Supersedes C8.
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Now we’re talking: Better deliberation groups through submodular optimization.
Jake Barrett,
Kobi Gal,
Paul Gölz,
Rose Hong,
and Ariel Procaccia.
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Mini-public selection: Ask what randomness can do for you.
Bailey Flanigan,
Paul Gölz,
and Ariel Procaccia.
Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center. Policy Briefs (2023).
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Social choice for social good: Proposals for democratic innovation from computer science.
Paul Gölz.
Ph.D. thesis, 2022.
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Approval-based apportionment.
Mathematical programming (2022).
Supersedes C6.
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In this apportionment lottery, the House always wins.
Paul Gölz,
Dominik Peters,
and Ariel Procaccia.
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Fair allocations for smoothed utilities.
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Envy-free and Pareto-optimal allocations for agents with asymmetric random valuations.
Yushi Bai
and Paul Gölz.
[Full paper]
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Fair algorithms for selecting citizens’ assemblies.
Nature (2021).
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Incentive-compatible kidney exchange in a slightly semi-random model.
Avrim Blum
and Paul Gölz.
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Dynamic placement in refugee resettlement.
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The fluid mechanics of liquid democracy.
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (2021).
Supersedes C2.
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Neutralizing self-selection bias in sampling for sortition.
[Full paper]
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Approval-based apportionment.
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Paradoxes in fair machine learning.
Paul Gölz,
Anson Kahng,
and Ariel Procaccia.
NeurIPS 2019 Spotlight presentation (2.5% of submissions).
[Full paper]
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No stratification without representation.
Gerdus Benadè,
Paul Gölz,
and Ariel Procaccia.
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Migration as submodular optimization.
Paul Gölz
and Ariel Procaccia.
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The fluid mechanics of liquid democracy.
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Synthesis in distributed environments.
Bernd Finkbeiner
and Paul Gölz.
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Synthesis for Petri games with one system player.
Paul Gölz.
Undergraduate thesis, 2017.